Interview during Festival ImagéSanté 2014 for my reportage “Stars & Rain”
During 2014 ImagéSanté Festival in Liège, I had the pleasure to show my reportage “Stars & Rain” with an exhibition in the great hall of the CHU of Liège, Belgium. I had also the opportunity to talk about this story during a live interview on ImagéSanté’s webtv. Photo : ©Matthieu Litt Here is the podcast… Continue reading

“Stars & Rain” exhibition during 2014 ImagéSanté – International Health Film Festival
I’m proud to announce that my reportage “Stars & Rain” will be exhibited during ImagéSanté 2014, the International Health Film Festival. A selection of twelve pictures will be exhibited in the main entrance of the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire (CHU) from Liège, Belgium. The exhibition will be visible from March 17 to March 22 2014. Free… Continue reading

Pictures from “Inside the Red Zone” in a testimony from a patient rescued in 2011 by the Heliported Medical Center
A few days ago, I had the honor of seeing a few pictures from my story “Inside The Red Zone” included on a video about a touching testimony from a patient rescued in 2011 by the Heliported Medical Center of Bra-Sur-Lienne. This video is in french but for sure, even if you don’t understand the… Continue reading

French article about “Inside The Red Zone” exhibition on La Chronique Parlementaire’s website
I had the pleasure to read an article on La Chronique Parlementaire about the exhibition of my story “Inside the Red Zone” If you are interested by this article in french, check this on La Chronique Parlementaire by Jacques Gennen. Thank’s Jacques Gennen for your words ! Here is a short extract of this article… Continue reading

Photos : Plane crash in Fernelmont, Belgium
A plane carrying parachutists for a skydiving trip crashed in Fernelmont, Belgium on October 19th 2013, killing all 11 people aboard. Prime Minister Elio Di Rupo quickly issued a statement confirming the crash and saying his thoughts are with the families of the victims. Minutes after the aircraft took off from a small airfield near… Continue reading

Exhibition of “Inside the Red Zone” during CMH 2013 Open doors
One more time, I have the pleasure to see my story “Inside the Red Zone” exhibited during the Open Doors of Centre Médical Héliporté of Bra-Sur-Lienne. The exhibition will be presented on Sunday 8th September at CMH of Bra-Sur-Lienne. You could visit the exhibition for free and see other events during all the day. The… Continue reading

Photos : Floods in Liège, Belgium
The storms hit the region of Basse Meuse (eastern province of Liege, Belgium) on Thursday June 21th, 2013. In several places in the region, flooding paralyzed traffic. Cellars and ground floor have been flooded in some neighborhoods. (Assignment for AP)

“Stars & Rain” – Finalist at PixPalace-Visas of l’ANI Award 2013
Following my participation in portfolios reviews by the ANI during the latest edition of the Festival “Visa pour l’image”, my story “Stars & Rain” was selected as “Coup de Coeur”. I’m really proud to announce that my story has been shortlisted to participate at PixPalace-Visas de l’ANI 2013 Award. For information, here is the list… Continue reading

“Stars & Rain” at PMH Grant 2013 Competition
A few days ago, I had the pleasure to receive the confirmation from editors of Photographic Museum of Humanity that my profile is accepted to participate at the PMH Grant 2013. I decided to present my reportage “Stars & Rain” For this competition, two prizes will be awarded. One issued by a prestigious jury represented… Continue reading

“Inside the Red Zone” exhibition on local TV – TéléVesdre
Just a few hours before the vernissage of “Inside the Red Zone” exhibition, Olivier Pirotte (Coordinator of CMH) and me had the pleasure to be interviewed by a local TV, Télé-Vesdre. Thank’s to them for this opportunity ! Over a hundred people have already visited the exhibition according to informations provided by “Maison du Tourisme… Continue reading

“Inside the Red Zone” exhibition – Article on Belgian Newspaper DH
My next exhibition in Belgium at Maison du Tourisme of Herve, article (in french) published in Belgian Newspaper DH. You can find further informations on my previous article. Other informations on these websites : Maison du Tourisme de Herve Centre Médical Héliporté

PhotojournalismLinks boost
The website for Documentary Photographers and Photojournalists “PhotojournalismLinks” announced my new website in one of their articles, Agencies and Photographers | October 2012. You can find the article on the link below. Thank’s Mikko for the boost ! Agencies and Photographers – October 2012 If you are interested by Photojournalism and Documentary Photography, I really… Continue reading

“Stars and Rain” nominated for UNICEF Photo of the Year 2012
My reportage “Stars & Rain” about autism in China is nominated to participate at 2012 UNICEF Photo of The Year Competition. 2012 UNICEF Photo of the Year

Publication of my reportage “Inside the Red Zone” in AirRescue Magazine – Issue 3, 2012
My reportage “Inside the Red Zone” has just been published in AirRescue Magazine – Issue 3, 2012. This story is for the first time shown in color, either in coverage or in the article. Air Rescue Magazine Centre Médical Héliporté

“Inside the Red Zone” – Exhibition at “Maison du Tourisme” Of Herve – Belgium
My reportage “Inside the Red Zone” will be exhibited at Maison du Tourisme of Herve, Belgium. Not far from the Netherlands and Germany. Maison du Tourisme of Herve From January 4th 2013 to January 30th 2013. Place de la Gare 1 4650 Herve – Belgium Opening hours : From Tuesday to Friday : 9 >… Continue reading

My pictures on the new website of the CMH
CMH’s team asked me a few months ago if they can use pictures I made during my reportage “Inside the Red Zone” on their brand new website. Of course, it was a pleasure to answer them with a very positive answer. The story continue with CMH’s team… Thank’s a lot for your confidence and for… Continue reading

“Coup de coeur” ANI 2012 during Visa pour l’image 2012 in Perpignan
During the 2012 edition of Visa pour l’image in Perpignan, France, I received a “coup de coeur” from ANI. Here is an article about this on “Le journal de la Photographie”. Coup de Coeur ANI 2012

Interview on “Le journal de la Photographie” – 31.08.2011
Perpignan, France. Visa pour l’image 2011. Interview by Yan Morvan during Visa pour l'image 2011